Page name: HH school rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-16 11:54:46
Last author: Evolution X
Owner: Evolution X
# of watchers: 4
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School rules!

OK, so I need to put up some school rules for Horror High.

1. NO Godmodding... *glares at Silent* it's been known to happen before.
2. If you're going to have to use a drawing, use your own. We'll get in trouble with the guards if you dont. If you cant, ask me and I'll write a description for you.
3. NO chatspeak. If you do you will be eaten.
4. TRY and make your character interesting and your sentances well structured.
5. Being a total jerkface asshole WILL get you eaten. After you are warned if you continue you will be eaten.
6. If your character is Zombiefied then he/she is no longer a playable character and becomes an NPC and only moderators can play them.
7. The Moderators ARE GOD. We will do whatever we like and get away with it. We however are not total monsters. If we do something it is for the good of the RP. This is a dictatorship not a democracy.
8. Only moderators play Zombies.
9. No matter how much of a jackass people are int his RP, remember that it is only the RP. No one means anything if their character yells at your character.

Horror High

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2008-01-10 [silent_voice]: .... i haven't god moded thankyou very much....

2008-01-10 [Evolution X]: YOU CUT OFF MY FOOT!

2008-01-10 [Chel.]: HAHAHAHAA!!!!! XD

2008-01-12 [Piercedskull]: ...?

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: *snorts* go silent!

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: Silent cut off Evo's character's foot in a game once. It was godmodding silent lol.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: was I there?

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: It was the Apocolyose game... I dont remember.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: I loved the gang wars ^^. and hey! so what if your foot got cut off! i was RAPED!

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: I thought that was left open for the reader to decide?

2008-01-13 [XxTsomexX]: I was the calm one of that little rp ^^'

2008-01-13 [Piercedskull]: I died/

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: RAPED!!! *fakes a swoon*

2008-01-13 [Piercedskull]: Died

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: .....damn......

2008-01-13 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: okay, on the main opage, you knwot he home one, some one tell me its okay for my damsell to not be a stupid defensless moron!

2008-01-13 [Piercedskull]: Its okay.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: THANK YOU!!! *glompage*

2008-01-13 [Piercedskull]: MEHEH

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: *brrr...... tis cold... *spazzes*

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: Nox, Chel said she'd be on around this time. Send her a message and see what she thinks. Evo went to bed about an hour ago.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: ... damn boy.. *grumbles to self about having to beat him later for it*

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: IM sure he would apoligize if he where here then again he wouldnt have to if he where here cause you could ask him. He is in a 6 hour advanced timezone

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: ... dun care! will beat him anyways!

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: oook... *Zombie attacks*

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: NUUHHH! *graps shovel and whacks at its head* die damn it die!

2008-01-13 [Piercedskull]: *grabs nox*You harm a hair on Evo-kuns head...And your cat food...

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: ... but he is my slave...

2008-01-13 [Piercedskull]:


2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: dude, edit that to H1 please, it's running off the page lol

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: lol yeah.. you didn't know? Plus, he likes being beaten up by woman..... *grins* he actualy asks for it

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: oh and for proof go here Nox's Slaves

2008-01-13 [Evolution X]: I dont like it, it just tends to happen.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: you like it and you knowit!

2008-01-13 [Evolution X]: No I dont actually...

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: Evo, Nox wants to know if her damsel can carry a butcher knife she plans tosteal from the kitchen. Basicaly she dosent want her to be a sniviling ideot.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: yesh.. or a simple shovel or hoe will work just as well

2008-01-13 [Evolution X]: Ummmm.... ok.

2008-01-13 [The Black Goat]: sweetness

2008-01-13 [Ravenclaw]: Can she be at least slightly panic striken?

2008-01-14 [Piercedskull]: Butbutbtubutbutbut!!!*hyperventalating*EVO-KUN IS MY YIFF!!MINE!*whimper**huggle*I do not beat him!

2008-01-14 [The Black Goat]: I do ^^ and then give him a bath and a snuggle afterward! lol and yes, that I can do, normal panic and fear yadayadayada.... then instincts to survive will kick in!

2008-01-14 [Evolution X]: *gets huggled by Merc, my feet wiggling off the ground* Gah....

2008-01-14 [The Black Goat]: *laughs*

2008-01-14 [XxTsomexX]: XD Merc, put 'em down.

2008-01-14 [Piercedskull]: NEVAH!*climbs a tree with Evo-kun in my arms*I SHALL PROTECT HIIIMM!!

2008-01-14 [Evolution X]: bluhhh.... *dangles*

2008-01-14 [The Black Goat]: *tugs his foot* hey Evo ^^

2008-01-14 [Piercedskull]: *huggles him protectively and nuzzles him*My kun1

2008-01-14 [Evolution X]: *twitch twitch twitch* GAH!

2008-01-14 [The Black Goat]: *puts a spider in his pant leg and walks away* loves!

2008-01-14 [Piercedskull]: *yelps and gets the spider out8bad nox!

2008-01-15 [The Black Goat]: hey! twas a gift... *cries*

2008-01-15 [Piercedskull]: Nooo,evo-kun likes bacon.,

2008-01-15 [The Black Goat]: ...*sniffles then wails pathetically*

2008-01-15 [Evolution X]: *mewls happily and hugs the spider* Chuu.

2008-01-15 [The Black Goat]: see! *is happy*

2008-01-15 [Piercedskull]: *growls*

2008-01-15 [Evolution X]: 0-0 mew?

2008-01-15 [Piercedskull]: *huggle*No more hitting Evo-kun!

2008-01-15 [The Black Goat]: *thawks his ear and gives him a cookie*

2008-01-15 [Piercedskull]: ...

2008-01-15 [Evolution X]: T-T *throws cookie at nox*

2008-01-15 [XxTsomexX]: *blinks*

2008-01-16 [The Black Goat]: *cries*

2008-01-16 [Evolution X]: No hittings meee...

2008-01-16 [The Black Goat]: *wails and curls up in a dark corner*

2008-01-16 [Piercedskull]: *huggles Evo kun*

2008-01-16 [Evolution X]: *mews sadly*

2008-01-16 [The Black Goat]: *dies*

2008-01-16 [Evolution X]: ..... *throws nother cookie at her* Mew?

2008-01-16 [The Black Goat]: *smells like death*

2008-01-16 [XxTsomexX]: O^O

2008-01-16 [Piercedskull]: *pokes nox with foot*

2008-01-16 [The Black Goat]: *is rotting*

2008-01-16 [Evolution X]: ZOMBIE NOX! ^_^

2008-01-17 [The Black Goat]: *gets up bites your neck and rips out your throat*

2008-01-17 [Evolution X]: ..... *smacks her with a cookie again*

2008-01-17 [The Black Goat]: *backs off munching on your wind pipe*

2008-01-17 [Evolution X]: *smack smack smack smack smack*

2008-01-17 [Piercedskull]: *blinks*GIVE BACK HIS THROAT!

2008-01-17 [The Black Goat]: *growls and crawls under table chewing*

2008-01-17 [Evolution X]: *throws cookies at nox still*

2008-01-17 [The Black Goat]: *makes munching sounds*

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